
Dial and Discover Cell Phone Tour

Use your cell phone to become immersed in the Old Florida Heritage Highway.

Image of southeast region of Alachua County and its relation to the State of Florida
Dial and Discover Cell Phone Tour in Gainesville and Alachua County

Located just south of Gainesville, the Old Florida Heritage Highway, spans 48 miles of roads through tree canopies draped with hanging Spanish moss and with a relaxed pace of life. The area offers access to a well-preserved section of Florida’s natural, scenic, recreational, historic and cultural heritage.

Features along the highway include Paynes Prairie State Preserve; Lake Wauberg, country side spread with smaller lakes, prairies and ruralhomesteads; and the historic communities of Micanopy, Rochelle, Evinston and Cross Creek.

The county roads(CR325 and CR346) rural roadside environment offers refuge for the winter migration of sandhill cranes and viewing areas of bald eagles. The area along the highway offers many recreational opportunities, including cycling, camping, birding, canoeing, hiking and equestrian activities. The highway enjoys a rich historical legacy and has already been honored as the Bartram Trail and the Chiles Trail, for its role in two of the most famous walks in Florida’s history. Experience the history and beauty of country roads, historic towns, open spaces, stately mansions and colorful history of Florida when visiting the Old Florida Heritage Highway.

Paynes Prairie Audio Sample:

Micanopy Audio Sample:

Tour Instructions:

  1. Print out a guide. Visit one of the tour stop numbers on the map.
  2. Dial 352.327.9005 then dial the tour stop number followed by the # symbol.
  3. Discover the fascinating facts and stories of the area.

The Dial and Discover Audio Tour Program was established with the City of Gainesville – Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department, Alachua County, and Old Florida Heritage Highway. The project also received financial assistance from VisitFlorida.