4-H 3D Match

Easton Newberry Archer Center 24880 NW 16 Ave., Newberry, FL, United States

In the State 3D Archery Match archers will shoot an IBO (International Bowhunting Organization) 3D round. Archers will shoot on a 14-target walk through course twice for a total of 28 targets, with one arrow shot per target. Target distances vary by age and go up to 50 yards. See...

Spider Cup #1: Lancaster Knock-Out Eliminations at Easton Newberry Archery Center

Easton Newberry Archer Center 24880 NW 16 Ave., Newberry, FL, United States

This archery competition follows the world famous archery competition format. Whether you're young old new to competition or a well seasoned competitor this event has a division for you. If you are ready to sign-up or want more information on the event our website has it.