
Dance Alive National Ballet

1325 NW 2nd St
Gainesville, Alachua, FL 32601

Dance Alive National Ballet is a professional ballet company based in Gainesville, FL with a roster of award-wining dancers from Italy, Cuba, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine and America. Four to five mainstage productions at Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts.

Dance Alive National Ballet (DANB) is a community treasure. Founded in 1966, this highly respected professional ballet company has created over 250 ballets, has sustained an international roster of award-winning dancers who live and work in Gainesville and has been on the State Touring Roster of Florida for 39 consecutive years. DANB has been invited to perform both internationally and nationally and has done so to great acclaim.

Through performances such as The Nutcracker, school shows such as Lady Bug: Action Hero!, programs with the internationally acclaimed “Art of the Olympians,” and administration of award-winning community outreach programs for the elderly, disabled and underserved, DANB continues to enrich the lives of Gainesville’s adults and children alike.

Click for Dance Alive National Ballet video on YouTube.