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  • November 27, 12:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

ACR Night

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Swamp Head Brewery
3650 SW 42nd AVE
Gainesville, FL 32608

ACR Night at swamp head brewery

ACR Night at Swamp Head Brewery is the ultimate pregame to your Thanksgiving plans and the perfect opportunity to catch up with old friends. Whether you’re returning to town or welcoming friends and family to Gainesville for the holiday, if you’re ready to throw down with live music and plenty of beer on tap for an epic ACR night, Swamp Head Brewery can’t wait to see all of you locals here!

Come gobble with Swamp Head… until you wobble.

Swamp Head Brewery will be open early at 12 pm, and closing at 10pm.
This is a family-friendly event and they’ll have a bounce house for the kids from 12-5 pm.

Rockin’ Back 4-7 pm

352 Munchies

White Whats Good Circle